Clinical Research

Faculty Director: Dr. Garg

The Clinical Research focus is a distinctive tract in which residents can learn how to conduct original clinical research in a scientifically sound manner. The focus consists of real-time learning and application of clinical research concepts, literature review, study design, database creation, and basics of statistical analysis. The program also emphasizes the proper reporting of scientific findings in the form of abstracts and manuscripts with a specific focus on manuscript writing and citation management.
This focus is lead by Dr.Garg, who is the director of research. She is also the chair of national American College of Emergency Physician (ACEP) research committee. Dr.Garg has numerous publications and has research collaborations with faculties across the country.
This longitudinal program begins early in the first year of residency with understanding the importance of research and practice, and the implementation of professional best practices.The residents in this program meet with the director of focus on a quarterly basis to review performance. The first year will consist of training in literature review and collaborative design. At the end of the first year, participating residents will be provided with an Individualized Research Plan (IRP) and paired with a faculty mentor to fulfill the goals of the study.
The second year starts with a focus on appraisal of the literature and basic statistical concepts using the IRP designed by the resident. As the second year progresses, the resident will complete research ethics training, learn how to properly submit to the IRB, and begin data collection in the database created for their study.
During the last six months of residency, participants in the focus will be encouraged to publish and present their work in a peer-reviewed format. The culmination of the focus results in a published abstract or manuscript. This track is particularly helpful for those who are seeking an academic or research career as it will provide a strong and practical foundation of scholarship to excel in any area of Emergency Medicine